Creative: just make pictures



Yes I’ve posted about this before, but I’m going to keep posting about it because “just make pictures” is one of my favorite publications. This publication is the child of Michael Jarecki. Let me say this. This publication works because the photography is good. It’s really good. A lot of Zines I see are really more about the object than the work, but in this case both work in tandem to create something very sound. Small enough to really suck you in, but meaty enough to leave you fulfilled when you put it down.

I love everything about this piece. This issue looks like a blend of assignment, found images and a few personal pics interlaced. The images make you wonder what is going on, what connects these moments. I’ve said this before but I think publications like these are as powerful as any coffee table book. They are different but equally important.

Now go make something.

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