Create: Dear Photographer Part Deux


Never in my wildest dreams did I think my first installment of “Dear Photographer,” would have any impact. But apparently, it did. Happy to hear. Now, before you go hating let me repeat my opener from the first installment. These bits of advice are things I wish I had known back in the day. Not all of them mind you but many. The rest are things I encounter on a regular basis, things that make me ponder my existence, the meaning of life, and the sheer craziness of this thing called photography. Agree, disagree, no matter. Just putting it out there. Now, go shoot something will ya.

1. 6:00, contact information

2. 8:30, build an archive

3. 11:00, Edgy and authentic

4. 12:55, all that hate is gonna burn you up

5. 15:28, original work

6. 17:52, don’t worry, quit and be happy

7. 20:30, soul over cinematic

8. 23:00, speak when you have something to say

9. 27:00, doom scrolling and hate reading

10. 29:54, act free

11. 33:00, take workshops, keep learning

Comments 7

  1. That was a great opening… And the lessons, well I wish I had been told some things myself. Well done!

    Remind me to tell you the Navy story of sabotage.

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  2. Good words to here if I had actually been a photographer. I took pictures on and off in younger days, but would only call myself a photographer for about the last four years or so, and clearly not a professional. It gets easier to be free at my age, more free every day.

    “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Camus

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  3. Love the keep learning advice! I wish someone had told me that at the beginning of my career! I was so laser focused that I neglected other areas of life. I’m trying to make up for that now.

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      Yes, a well-rounded life is key. I say that now after ignoring my own advice for several decades.

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