Read: Chasing the Moon

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Okay, why not add the history of the space program to the long list of subjects I know nothing about. Well, next to nothing. Earth, turns out, has a moon. To coin a Donny Dipshit phrase, “Not many people know this.” No, actually, everyone knows it.

When I picked up “Chasing the Moon,” by Robert Stone and Alan Andres I didn’t give it much thought but I am truly glad I chose to read this. I learned so much about the history of space exploration and the characters involved along the way. This book is the companion to “American Experience” film on PBS.

But perhaps the most telling aspect of the book was the idea of what was happening in the background. Vietnam, the Civil Rights Movement, tensions with Russia, etc. And, let us not forget, an apathetic American public who was pissed the space program kept interrupting episodes of Batman. (No, not joking.) Sound familiar? “Oh, I’m not watching the impeachment inquiry because it’s not exciting enough.” Like I said all along, we deserve our current situation.

Within this book are a hundred stories worth investigating. Truly an onion book and one well worth your time.

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